Published: 20 September 2019


Sevenoaks Town Council
financially assists local voluntary organisations

The Youth Services Committee recently awarded grants to local voluntary organisations relating to their community engagement with young people:

Organisation Name

Purpose of Award

Grant Approved

Stag Youth Theatre

To tour production based on climate change to 10 Sevenoaks primary schools


Sevenoaks Three Arts Festival

Contribution towards first prize in Sevenoaks Young Musician of the Year competition


The Children’s Workshop

To provide outdoor learning training for 9 staff members





The Finance and General Purposes Committee recently awarded grants to local voluntary organisations relating to their community engagement:


Organisation Name

Grant Approved

Hi Kent

To run free hearing aid users support clinics in Hollybush Day Centre, including home visits for those too frail or unwell to attend clinic


The Stag Theatre

On the nine-hundredth anniversary of Textus Roffensis of 1120 (in which Sevenoaks was first mentioned) to produce digital archive of all retail shop fronts and owners/staff in Sevenoaks High Street, London Road, Upper High Street and roads in between.


PS Breastfeeding CIC

Additional management and supervision of trained volunteers, and to pay volunteer expenses and three enrichment sessions.


Sevenoaks Counselling

To supplement bursary fund which assists clients who cannot afford full cost of counselling.




Alison Futtit

Committee Clerk