Bradbourne Vale Allotments
Sevenoaks Town Council own and manage Bradbourne Vale Allotments on Bradbourne Vale Road. The site has 35 plots, and a full-sized plot is approximately 250 square metres or 300 square yards.
Currently all plots have been taken. If you would like to be added to our waiting list, please complete the application form below.
For more information please contact us on 01732 459 953 or email
Prices 1/10/2023 – 30/9/2024
21.8p per square metre
£30 per key refundable deposit
Allotments Strategy 2021 - 2025
Quaker's Hall Allotments
Sevenoaks Town Council own and manage approximately 11.5 acres of allotments just off Quaker’s Hall Lane in Sevenoaks.
There are about 250 plots (a full-sized plot is approximately 250 square metres or 300 square yards), but there are smaller plots too; small sheds for storage and a source of running water. There is a Trading Centre (currently managed by Sevenoaks Allotment Holders’ Association), open from 10.30am to noon every Sunday, which provides free advice, composts, seeds and general gardening sundries as well as toilets. There are car-parking areas outside the Trading Centre and inside the main gate. The views of the North Downs from the site are wonderful!
The site is currently fully let, but if you would like to join the waiting list, please complete and return the application form below.
Prices 1/10/2023 – 30/9/2024
21.8p per square metre
£30 per key refundable deposit