Sevenoaks Town Council is a statutory Consultee on all planning applications received within the Town. This means that it considers applications and makes recommendations to the relevant Planning Authority. The majority of applications are determined by
Sevenoaks District Council, however certain types of development are determined by
Kent County Council.
The Town Council considers most planning applications at its fortnightly planning committee meetings. Members of the public are welcome to attend these meetings and may speak at meetings (subject to following the correct request procedure).
Where timescales do not allow the Town Council to consider the application at a planning committee meeting, comments may be made via a process known as ‘Chairman’s Action’ which allows comments to be made subject to agreement between the ward councillor and the chairman of the Planning Committee.
Any members of the public who wish to made representation on an application which will be considered by the Town Council are encouraged to contact their local councillor or the council via as soon as possible to ensure their views are taken on board.