Implementing the 20mph speed limit
This summer some roads in Sevenoaks town will be having new signage and road markings installed from 12th August for the implementation of the 20mph speed limit from 1st October 2024.
This aims to explain the process and answer residents’ questions including a Q & A. This can also be down loaded in leaflet form on this link or by scanning this QR code
Works are scheduled and undertaken by Kent County Council. The 20mph Scheme is funded by Sevenoaks Town Council. There is no increase in Council Tax for this project.
For live updates on the schedule of installing lamppost 'lollipop' signs or road markings works on roads you can contact Kent County Council highways department who will be scheduling and undertaking the works. Or simply view the following webpage which is linked from KCC website highways page and allows you to see planned KCC roadworks in your area: Causeway
Once you are on the link, from the drop down menu on the left select to view roadworks for the 'next two weeks' (rather than 'Today') to view the works, and zoom in to the central Sevenoaks town area to look at the roads. If you click on the roadworks icons, a list will pop up on the left side with information on which roads are involved. If you then click on the individual roads named, you can scroll down to see details of what the works are, the timescale and details of works eg if it will have incursion onto the carriageway lanes, and if any delays are expected as a result.
To view which roads are included, as well as interactive crashmap, please use this link or scan the following QR code.
From the Mayor, Cllr Ancrum
"As Town Councillors, we are delighted to be implementing a 20mph scheme for our town.
Across the country, communities like ours are putting pedestrians and active travel to the fore with schemes just like this.
There is a great deal of evidence that, in urban settings, lower vehicle speeds significantly reduce accidents, improve air quality and make the community a better place to be. Perhaps contrary to expectation, there is also evidence that traffic flows are improved, too.
We are very pleased that residents of the town supported the project, and we are looking forward to delivering a safer, greener Sevenoaks."
Question & Answer sheet for 20mph scheme
Why are you doing it?
KCC states: “A pedestrian is five times more likely to die if hit at 30mph rather than 20 mph.” Sevenoaks Town Council believes that 20mph limits are a valuable investment in community safety as well as encouraging active travel and reducing climate impact.
KCC’s Vision Zero documents states: “Each death and life changing injury on Kent's Highways is a personal tragedy and that is why we have a target of zero deaths.
Serious injuries also have very high social costs. 24-hour home care can cost up to £2,000 per week. Other costs include clearing the scene, emergency services and resulting congestion. The Department for Transport estimates the average value of prevention of each reported casualty, which estimates a value for all human and public costs as follows: Fatal: £1.9 million Serious: £220,000 Slight: £17,000
In 2019 Kent's combined prevention value of all collisions was over £263m, including over £70m for fatalities and over £143m for serious injuries.
Will it include traffic calming measures (speed bumps)?
No. This is a signage-only scheme.
Costs? How is the scheme being funded?
At present, the estimate for a Signage-Only Scheme in Sevenoaks is £153,456 for 20mph with a further £25,000 for the installation of a zebra crossing on Dartford Road.
This will be funded by the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) paid for by developers.
The Signage-Only Scheme is significantly less costly than physical traffic calming measures.
Will this make my Council Tax go up?
No. This uses existing CIL funds, none of which have come from Council Tax payments.
Which roads are included?
See map with colour coded roads, indicating which roads are affected.
For an interactive map scan this QR code.
You can then enter your postcode to see if your road is affected. For live updates on road closures and works, see the following webpage of planned KCC roadworks in your area:
Which key roads are not included?
St Botolph's Road, Hitchen Hatch Lane, Mount Harry Road, Northern section of the A225 from the Vine to Bat & Ball Junction, A224 Tubbs Hill, part of London Road (to the Junction of Pembroke Road), and part of Seal Hollow Road.
When will works start on road markings and signage?
Works will start on 12th August until 1st September and are intended to be completed in school holidays. Some additional works may take place after 1st September, prioritising night-time work where possible to minimise traffic disruption.
When will it come into force?
It will be enforceable in Sevenoaks from 1st October 2024.
How will it be enforced?
20mph is enforceable in the same way as any other speed limit.
How do I check which roads are closed/due to be closed?
We will have updates on the STC website and social media. For live updates on road closures and works you can contact Kent County Council highways department who will be scheduling and undertaking the works, or view the following webpage which allows you to see planned KCC roadworks in your area:
Collision Statistics
[Source: Kent County Council—Personal Injury Crash Data]
“A pedestrian is five times more likely to die if hit at 30mph rather than 20mph”
Source: KCC’s Vision Zero document.
Kent County Council provided the following information for Sevenoaks Town for the years 01/04/2013 - 31/03/2023. It should be noted that collisions totalled between 2020-2021 were abnormally low nationally due to the COVID pandemic.
Collisions 295 Casualties 362 Vehicles involved 506
Map below shows roads where collisions and injuries took place between 01/04/2013 - 31/03/2023. Roads marked in yellow are proposed 20mph roads. Roads marked in blue have existing 20mph limit.