Longspring Wood

Longspring Woods is made up of two parcels of ancient woodland, which is defined by
Woodland Trust as an area of woodland which has persisted since 1600 in England. They are
both located within the Green Belt and Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

The larger parcel, pictured below, comprises 8 separate Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs),
with the majority of the woods also being registered as an area of Biodiversity Opportunity.
It abuts two Public Rights of Way SU38 and SU36, as well as a local playing field which is
currently used by local schools and groups. There is a well-defined horse-riding network
through the woodland and via SU36 which follows the length of Fig Street where it abuts the
woodland. SU36 is closed to vehicular traffic and thereby provides a safe and scenic route
for walkers, cyclists, and horse riders.


Sevenoaks Town Council registered the Longspring Woods as an Asset of Community Value in 2023, on the grounds that it furthers the social wellbeing and recreational interests of the community.

When the Woods came up for sale this year it presented a real challenge to find the funds quickly and before the statutory 6 month protection period ended – this being whereby the land is temporarily removed from the Open Market in order to allow community groups to gather funding so that the Asset of Community Value can be retained for guaranteed current and future generations’ use.

The Town Council could use some of its funds to the sum of £100,000 from a previous sale of land, which needs to be spent on Capital Projects including acquisition of land.

It is one of the aims of the Town Council in its Green Community Investment Plan to act when rarely, but occasionally land does come up for sale in Sevenoaks. The Town Council will seek to obtain additional land if it could be used for community benefit.

There was too little time to secure external grants even if these were available and therefore there was a real challenge for the remaining £100,000.

The Town Council asked the Sevenoaks Community for help, unsure of what to expect as it was a really big Ask to raise £100,000 in 23 days.
The response from the community was unbelievable, with a total of £102,975 having been pledged by Sevenoaks Community towards the purchase of Longspring Wood.

Thanks to the generosity of the Sevenoaks public, the Town Council has been able to make a successful bid for the purchase of Longspring Wood in order to keep it within public ownership for the use of generations to come. Conveyancing has begun, and it is hoped that the Town Council will be able to celebrate the opening of the Woods to the public to commemorate its 50th anniversary.

A THANK YOU video has been created, in order to provide further information on the background of the project, and to thank the generous public who made this possible. 


For further information on how the Woods will be managed and access/facilities improved, please refer to the Feasibility Study.






THANK YOU to our donors!

  • Aaron Shaw & Amy Martin
  • Alan and Sue Linton
  • Alison Futtit
  • Anna and Moritz Jobke
  • Anthony and Christine Dudd
  • Anthony Kypreos
  • Beaton Family
  • Beatriz and Martin Day
  • Caro Cluskey
  • Clare and Ian Annetts
  • Conrad Nel
  • Conway-Forecast Family
  • Dan Smith
  • Dick and Catherine Weber
  • Dr and Mrs P Barker
  • Edward
  • Elizabeth Hodgson
  • Gail West
  • Gerald, in memory of Mattie and Douglas Jeffrey, who lived at Longspring Cottage for 50 years


  • Rhiannedd Brooke
  • Hannah Gwyther
  • Helen O'Sullivan
  • Howard and Urszula Beckford
  • J W M Rogers
  • Jill Aisher
  • Libby Ancrum and David Skinner
  • Linda Larter 
  • Marie Strom
  • Mark Nicholson
  • McCully Family
  • Merilyn Canet
  • Michael Lyne
  • Nigel and Christine Wightman
  • Nigel Judd
  • Ogden Family
  • Oliver Young
  • Patrick Pascall
  • Paul and Janet Batchelor


  • Phyllis Judd
  • Rhiannedd Brooke
  • Riaz Risvi
  • Richard Atkinson
  • Sarah Fenn
  • Sean and Laura Piper
  • Sevenoaks School students 
  • Simpson Street Consultants Limited
  • Susan & Philip Day
  • Tessa Allen
  • The Ware Family
  • Tom Keevil
  • Tony and Gill Clayton
  • Tony Hawthorne



  • And many other anonymous donors who made the purchase possible! 


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