Armed Forces Veterans Breakfast
Published: 22 November 2019
News Release
On Friday 22 November the Mayor of Sevenoaks, Councillor Nicholas Busvine OBE, held an inaugural breakfast for Armed Forces veterans at the recently refurbished Bat & Ball Café in Sevenoaks. 20 veterans enjoyed bacon rolls and a chance to chat and meet with other service personnel in an informal setting.

The Mayor, who chose SSAFA as one of his charities, being an organisation close to his heart as a former diplomat who regularly served alongside the Armed Forces, said: ‘It was an honour to meet so many former service personnel and humbling to hear their stories. I feel by enabling them to get together and share their experiences is a small but valuable contribution, particularly as representatives of SSAFA, who as the leading Armed Forces Charity, were present and able to provide advice and support if needed.’