Knitted poppies for the Vine

Published: 07 September 2021

In 2018 to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the end of WW1, many volunteers helped to knit red poppies to display around the Vine.


We are looking to do this again this year. Poppies will be placed on the Vine railings on the morning of Saturday 30th October 2021.


We welcome donations of knitted poppies prior to that date, to be delivered either to the Café on the Vine or Sevenoaks Town Council offices.


Cast on 60 stitches. Work 8 rows in Knit 2, Purl 2. Next row Knit 2 together, repeat until end. Next row – slip 2 stitches, knit 1, Passover. Past wool through remaining stitches, pull and fasten. Sew a black button or embroider with black or green thread in the centre.


Linda Larter MBE
Chief Executive / Town Clerk