Published: 19 April 2022

An Outline Application for Planning Permission for Tarmac to develop the Sevenoaks Quarry site on Bat and Ball Road has marked the beginning of the site’s development process. Slightly different from a Full Planning Application, an Outline Application has particular matters reserved, and provides detail only on unreserved matters. Full details of the this application (referenced 22/00512/OUT), including the application’s Planning History, Constraints and Documents are available to view on the Sevenoaks District Council Planning Portal, via this link.


As a Statutory Consultee to the Local Planning Authority, (Sevenoaks District Council), Sevenoaks Town Council recently provided comment on Tarmac’s Outline Planning Application on 4th April 2022. This application has many matters reserved with exception of height and use parameters, and proposes an outline for up to 800 residential dwellings and up to 150 residential institutional units, as well as provision of surrounding infrastructure. A copy of the Minutes of this meeting, as well as a full record of Sevenoaks Town Council’s comments as submitted to the District Council are available here.



As always, the final responsibility for approving or refusing the application rests with Sevenoaks District Council.


Tarmac’s Outline Application comes after a series of public consultations held by Tarmac, as well as conversations between Sevenoaks Town Council and Tarmac, where both organisations worked towards progressing as much understanding and synergy between the emerging Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) and Tarmac’s upcoming proposals as possible.


It was noted during public consultations that Tarmac’s proposed housing numbers of up to 950 were significantly higher than previously consulted-upon numbers, as well as the
numbers suggested in the emerging Neighbourhood Development Plan and Northern Sevenoaks Masterplan. Although these numbers have since been removed from the emerging NDP in order to keep the NDP compliant with Statutory Consultee opinions, Sevenoaks Town Council still maintains that 950 dwellings would constitute overdevelopment.


It is noted by the Town Council that the application is an outline, and that not all matters are currently fixed or accurate. It was therefore the decision of the Planning Committee, held on 4th April 2022 to submit a “Holding Objection” to Sevenoaks District Council’s consultation on Tarmac’s proposals, subject to particular matters being addressed. These matters are outlined in Sevenoaks Town Council’s Planning Committee Minutes, available here.


Sevenoaks Town Council looks forward to working with Sevenoaks District Council and Tarmac in ensuring that the resulting scheme at the Sevenoaks Quarry site provides high quality development that enhances the town and provides community benefits that will last generations.


If you have any queries, please contact:
Georgie Elliston
19th April 2022