Sevenoaks Town Council sets its Council Tax precept for 2023/24

Published: 18 January 2023

The Council Tax precept will continue to deliver, protect and enhance community facilities within a Green Community Investment Plan. 

Sevenoaks Town Council continues to make investing in the local environment and making Sevenoaks greener its number one priority. The Town Council operates a wide range of community facilities including allotments, bus shelters, cemetery, community halls, public open spaces and play areas and is continuing to ensure that even in these difficult financial times all of these continue to be delivered, protected, and enhanced where possible within its Green Community Investment Plan.

Cllr Tony Clayton, Chairman of the Finance & General Purposes Committee says:
We are pleased that the Town Council has been able to keep its Council tax well below inflation, and below average pay increases, for the second year in a row, while at the same time rebuilding reserves after the Covid pandemic to protect services in future. Rising costs are a challenge, but thanks to hard work by all the Council staff who continue to find ways to offset them. in 2023 the Town Council will aim to be more energy efficient, and to attract more people to use the great new spaces at Bat & Ball Centre and Station, at the Business Hub, and all its other facilities across Sevenoaks.”

Sevenoaks Town Council has agreed to set its Council Tax Precept for 2023 / 24 at £1,370,074 a 4.9% increase resulting in a Band D equivalent house paying £139.17 per annum, £2.68 per week an increase of 13 pence per week on the previous year.

At the same time the Town Council is aiming to continue to maintain and slowly increase its general reserves to enable protection of community provision for the future.

Full details and figures relating to the budget set are available on the Council’s website within the Council Agenda for 16th January 2023, here.
A copy of the Green Community Investment Plan is also available on the website and here.


Linda Larter MBE

Chief Executive / Town Clerk

18th January 2023
