Sevenoaks Town Council - Grants to Local Voluntary Organisations

Published: 17 March 2023

At its Annual Town Public Meeting held on Monday 13th March 2023, Sevenoaks Town Council celebrated the work of local community groups who had been awarded grants during 2022. The Grant Recipients provided displays sharing their projects/work undertaken with the support of the grants.

The Town Council had also approved a further round of grants at the meeting of its Finance & General Purposes Committee on 27th February 2023. The Mayor was delighted to present the following awards:

Hi Kent



South East Open Studios


Sevenoaks Volunteer Transport Group



Art in June


West Kent Mediation



Kent Youth Jazz Orchestra


Friends of Pontoise



Youth Resilience UK


Sevenoaks Three Arts Festival



Sevenoaks PHAB


Sevenoaks Literary Festival



The Children’s Workshop



The Mayor commented:
"At our Annual Town Meeting it was a great pleasure to meet representatives of the charities which Sevenoaks Town Council has been able to support during my Mayoral Year. The presentation of the grants to the charities was one of the highlights of our Town's annual meeting. I must thank all these charities for the amazing work they carry out for the benefit of our Town's Community, and their hard work and commitment to making life better for the residents of Sevenoaks Town."

The next round of grant applications will be considered in September 2023, applications to be submitted by Friday 11th August 2023.

Applications form and guidance notes can be downloaded from the website:

Sevenoaks Town Council /Grants for Local Voluntary & Charitable Organisations

Alison Futtit
Committee Clerk
17th March 2023