PRESS RELEASE: Sevenoaks Town Council made strong representation regarding the Sevenoaks Quarry (Tarmac) Outline Planning Application
Published: 08 June 2023
Sevenoaks Town Council made strong representation regarding the Sevenoaks Quarry (Tarmac) Outline Planning Application to the Development Management Committee on 1st June 2023 in order to ensure its concerns were addressed.
The Outline planning application, which differs slightly from a Full planning application in that it has particular matters omitted, was Granted by the Development Management Committee (formerly known as the Development Control Committee) on 1st June 2023. This application provided details on land-use, strategic layout of the site, site levels and building heights. The remaining details, including access, layout, scale, landscaping, appearance and phasing were omitted from the Outline planning application, and reserved for later consideration by means of additional planning applications.
Sevenoaks Town Council has had ongoing concerns about various aspects of the proposals and therefore to date had not been able to support the Outline planning application, although still optimistic that the resulting development could provide immeasurable community benefits and enhancements to the town. The site’s development potential is recognised in the Town Council’s Sevenoaks Town Neighbourhood Plan, which had a successful Referendum on 4th May 2023 and now becomes part of the Planning Guidance for the town.
Included in the STNP’s appraisal of the Sevenoaks Quarry site is design guidance and community benefits which the Town Council considers should be delivered as a minimum to justify release of Green Belt land.
These include but are not limited to provision of green infrastructure including active travel routes and new sports/watersports facilities, safeguarding land for community infrastructure including potential provision of a primary school and medical facilities and improving the Bat and Ball junction. Full details as to what any development at this site should deliver are available to view on page 81 of the Sevenoaks Town Neighbourhood Plan (Policy D2).
The Chairman of Sevenoaks Town Council’s Planning Committee provided the following quote:
“The Sevenoaks Tarmac site is the largest application Sevenoaks has seen in many years. Whilst many of the final details have yet to be determined, the granting of the outline permission is overall a very positive one, with new housing, infrastructure, and leisure activities, all very much needed and extremely welcome. Once completed the development will be of great benefit to Sevenoaks and the surrounding area for many years to come.”
The Development Management Committee (DMC) meeting was attended by Sevenoaks Town Mayor and Town & District Councillor Claire Shea, who made representation on the application to voice the concerns of both the Town and District Council respectively. In Cllr Shea’s representation on behalf of the Town Council, she acknowledged the Town Council’s appreciation that the majority of its concerns had been addressed in the Case Officer’s report, with conditions imposed that require the developer to provide sufficient and acceptable evidence on particular matters in order for the permission to be valid.
Following her attendance and representation at the DMC meeting, Sevenoaks Town Mayor, Cllr Claire Shea, provided the following quote regarding its outcome:
“Sevenoaks Town Council was concerned to ensure that infrastructure needs were properly anticipated and met in this planning application. I am relieved that the much-needed improvements to Bat and Ball will now be delivered during the first phase of construction, and that good provision is being made for a school and community facilities. We will continue to work with all parties to model the impact on healthcare facilities, and to encourage a good solution to primary care challenges”
The Independent Planning Inspector stated in his report relating to the STNP that the Planning Authority must continue to consult with Sevenoaks Town Council further planning applications relating to this site which will provide further information on the reserved matters, and which are hoped will address the Town Council’s concerns. It also anticipates working with Sevenoaks District Council and Tarmac in ensuring that the resulting scheme at the Sevenoaks Quarry site provides high quality development that enhances the town and provides community benefits that will last generations.
Further details of this application, including a detailed summary of the proposals, relevant Planning considerations, and the full list of planning conditions recommended to the DMC may be found in the Case Officer’s report via the following link:
All documentation, including the final Decision Notice, plans and supporting documents, planning history and all representations made on the application may be found on Sevenoaks District Council’s Planning Portal - either by searching the reference number (22/00512/OUT) or via the following link:
Copy of Sevenoaks Town Council’s comments which were made on the planning application may be found via the below link. These were made via the Planning Committee on 6th March 2023, when Town Council was last consulted on the application before it went to the DMC:
If you have any queries, please contact
Georgie Elliston at
8th June 2023