PRESS RELEASE: Traditional Vine Cricket Ground Peppercorn Rent Continues for 2023

Published: 21 July 2023

The Vine Cricket Ground in Sevenoaks is one of the oldest cricket grounds in England. It was given to the town in 1773 by John, 3rd Duke of Dorset, owner of Knole House. The land was thought previously to have been used as a vineyard for the Archbishop of Canterbury (hence the name).

The first nationally reported cricket match took place in 1734 when ‘The Gentlemen of Kent’ played ‘The Gentlemen of Sussex’ – and the Kent team won.
The weatherboard pavilion is 19th century.

The Vine Cricket Club must pay Sevenoaks Town Council a rent of 1 peppercorn per year for the ground. They, in turn, must pay Lord Sackville (if asked) one cricket ball on the 21st of July each year.

The Traditional Vine ceremony took place with Lord Robert Sackville, Mayor Cllr Claire Shea and Chairman of Sevenoaks Cricket Club Hugo Tudor.


Pictured - Lord Robert Sackville (LEFT) - Mayor, Cllr Claire Shea (CENTRE) - Cricket Club Chairman, Hugo Tudor (RIGHT)