PRESS RELEASE: Sevenoaks Town Council publishes its Community Investment Plan 2023-2027, setting out its ambitious for four year term of office.

Published: 17 January 2024

In May 2023 elections a new Sevenoaks Town Council was created, unusually with all Councillors being from one political group – Liberal Democrats.

The Councillors have been working on finalising its aims and objectives delivering projects for the local community (above and beyond its current operation of managing and providing community functions) and these have been formalised in the Sevenoaks Town Council’s third Community Investment Plan 2023 – 2027.

Councillor Tony Clayton, Leader of Sevenoaks Town Council and Chair of the Finance & General Purposes Committee said:
With its finances on a stable footing, the Council will continue to invest in Sevenoaks, mainly using grants and levies on developers The biggest items in its £2.7 million Community Investment Plan are a new football pavilion at Greatness, switching the No 8 bus route to electric power, a Masterplan for the town’s commercial centres, pedestrian crossings, and other measures to make the town safer for walkers and cyclists.

In the longer-term Sevenoaks Town Council is looking to the Sevenoaks Quarry at Greatness Lakes development. We will use the use developer levies from it to invest for the whole town, and to integrate the residents in the new homes into the community. Building on the Neighbourhood Plan approved in 2023, the plan will shape a safer, greener, and fairer Sevenoaks.”

The Key Project Aims within the Community Investment Plan are:

• Masterplan for Town Centre & St John’s Hill
• Green Link Feasibility Study – cycling and walking route linking Sevenoaks and Dunton Green
• 20 mph Signage Scheme implementation (subject to public survey)
• Pedestrian Crossing at Dartford Road near Vine
• Pedestrian Crossing at Seal Hollow Road
• Electrifying No 8 Bus
• Wayfinding Signage
• Business Improvement District (BID) development
• Greatness Recreation Ground – consider and implement outcome of consultation
• Greatness Sports & Community Pavilion
• Refurbish St John’s Hill Car Park Public Toilets
• Redevelop Oast House for Community Use

Linda Larter MBE
Chief Executive / Town Clerk
17th January 2024