PRESS RELEASE New Mayor for Sevenoaks
Published: 28 May 2024
New Mayor for Sevenoaks

At the Annual Meeting of Sevenoaks Town Council held on Monday 13th May 2024, Councillor Libby Ancrum was elected the new Mayor of Sevenoaks.
Her husband Councillor David Skinner OBE will be the Mayor’s Consort.
Councillor Libby Ancrum
was first elected to Sevenoaks Town Council in 2022.
Councillor Elisabeth (Libby) Ancrum has lived and worked in the Sevenoaks area for more than 27 years. Prior to retirement she was Head of Sixth Form at a local school where she also taught Economics. For the first half of her career, she worked as an Economist with particular interests in financial markets, international trade, and environmental economics.
The Mayor has two adult children who grew up and attended schools in Sevenoaks. She has a keen interest in all aspects of environmental improvement and also volunteers with Sevenoaks Welcomes Refugees helping to support the settlement and integration of families in the local area. A keen walker, you may often see the Mayor out and about the town and surrounding countryside with her dog Piran.
The Mayor has nominated Sevenoaks Welcomes Refugees and Sevenoaks Riding School for the Disabled as her two charities for her Civic Year.
The Mayor, Councillor Libby Ancrum said “It has been a great pleasure to work with Mayor Claire Shea this past year and I look forward to building on her achievements.
I plan to highlight the town council's crucially important green agenda including all aspects of working towards net zero contained in our Sevenoaks Neighbourhood plan”.
Councillor Tony Clayton has been elected to Deputy Mayor for the 2024 / 2025 Civic Year.
Photograph by Russell Harper Photography.