Kin Developments presentation to Sevenoaks Town Council, on behalf of SGN Place – regarding the Cramptons Road Gas Works Site Application

Published: 29 April 2021

On Monday 26 th April 2021, the Planning Committee received a presentation from Steve Sanham of Kin Developments on behalf of SGN Place. During this presentation, it was confirmed that a Planning Application had been submitted to Sevenoaks District Council, following a pre-application consultation with them.

The presentation was followed by a Q & A session, where the developer addressed the Councillor’s queries. The full presentation can be viewed on the Sevenoaks Town Council’s youtube channel via the following link, and a request has been made for the Developer to provide a copy of the Presentation slides, to be uploaded to the Sevenoaks Council Planning Committee website once received.

It was noted that Sevenoaks Town Council have not received the Planning Application from Sevenoaks District Council to provide a recommendation for, and that it will be viewable on the District Council’s Planning Portal once the Application has been validated.

As a Statutory Consultee to Sevenoaks District Council on Planning Applications, Sevenoaks Town Council receives local Planning Applications to comment on and offer their recommendations to the District Council. It is therefore anticipated that the Cramptons Road Gas Works Site Application will be a future Agenda item.

Members of the Public wishing to keep track of when the Application is to be discussed are directed to check the “Applications to be considered” section of the Planning Committee’s Meeting Agendas, available via the following link: Planning Committee - Sevenoaks Town Council

If you have any queries, please contact:

Georgie Elliston

29th April 2021